Studying at LESMEA
Doctoral Studies
Our lab can welcome one or two graduate students for September next year in the research (Ph.D.) program or the combined research+clinical (Ph.D./Psy.D.) program. Interested candidates are invited to browse our lab’s research program and publications (available on this site).
Examples of topics that can be the subject of a doctoral thesis or essay as part of the lab's longitudinal studies:
Role of personal characteristics and genetic vulnerabilities in the development of mental health or psychosocial adjustment problems
Role of personal characteristics and genetic vulnerabilities in the development of problematic relationships with peers, parents, romantic partners
Role of parents and siblings in the development of mental health or psychosocial adjustment problems
Role of the school environment in the development of mental health or psychosocial adjustment problems
Role of friends in the development of mental health problems
Role of romantic relationships in the development of mental health or psychosocial adjustment problems
Neurophysiological mechanisms linking problematic social relationships and mental health or psychosocial adjustment problems
Several other topics related to the development of mental health and psychosocial adjustment problems in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood could also be the subject of a doctoral thesis or essay. If you are interested, send your academic dossier (CV + transcript) and letter of intent to
Honor's Thesis (Thèse de Spécialisation)
Several research questions related to mental health or psychosocial adjustment problems in childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood can be examined using data from our longitudinal studies in the context of an honor's thesis. If you are interested, send your academic dossier (CV + transcript) and letter of intent to​